The children and teachers so enjoyed and appreciated our visit in 2017 the school invited RTP Corvettes to return and help the children learn more about cars and how they work. This years team of RTP Corvette members included:

  • Fred Blinne who gave the children insights into Newtons Laws of Motion. Fred also showed videos of his car on the track and explained how those laws effected the car.
  • Sparky Wilson brought real car parts and demonstrated how they related to pictures of a car engine and controlling the motion / direction of cars when driving.
  • Ken Waters brought his race car and taught the children about car safety and unique aspects of race cars and race car driving.
  • Andy Krumwiede, Jim Lewis, Will Hellner, and Pete Perolini (accompanied by Mickey Mouse) brought their cars as well. The children were given the opportunity to climb in drivers seats and dream of owning and driving the American dream of sports cars.
  • Mary Alexion took pictures, printed the student handout, designed the student erasers, and wrote the RTP blog posting.

The children were engaged, asked great questions, and said thank you for the fun time with the cars.

Thanks to Jim Lewis for coordinating our visit to the school and a big THANK YOU to all who came. If invited back next year, we hope more RTP members can come and join this fun and rewarding event.

Ken Waters : The children loved the race car

Fred Blinne: Learning about Freds race track experience was a big hit as well.

Sparky Wilson: Sparky reminded the children of that a dream without ambition is like a car without gas you are not going anywhere. He encouraged them to work hard and follow their dreams. He then showed the children a variety of car parts and how they make a car operate.

THE CARS: Always a big hit with the children and adults as well. Waiting to see them was the hard part.

Climbing in and out of the cars was great fun for all.



TOKENS for the Children: We left behind a handout the children could take home and tell their parents about their experience and an eraser to remind them to follow big dreams.